The SVD Philippine Northern Province Vice-Provincial and DWCL Campus Minister Rev. Fr. Edwin Fernandez, SVD was the main celebrant and homilist of the thanksgiving mass offered on this special occasion, together with Fr. Nerio Joseph A. Artienda, SVD President, Vice-President for Finance Fr. Gaudencion Pugat, SVD and Fr. Emilio Pati, SVD, former Provincials of the SVD Northern Province.
In keeping with the tradition to give honor and recognition to the co-missionaries of the SVDs , the employees you have served the school for a decade or more, an awarding ceremony took place after the mass, ably hosted by Mr. Reinier Jan H. Calumpit, Faculty who made the following remarks introducing this year’s 19 service awardees:
40 Years of Service
PROFESSOR ROMANA L. BITANCOR – Vice-President for External Affairs
This seasoned woman has earned a name for herself as one of the most respected individuals in our institution. A seasoned woman who has learned to embrace the varied seasons of life and allowed these seasons to sculpture and mold her into a vessel of strength, dignity and honor. With her forty years of service, she has proved her worth through her notable contributions in our institution. Tasked to deliver a response on behalf of the awardees being the most senior in service, she encapsulized the feelings of gratitude of the awardees to the institution underscoring the stakeholders who selflessly continue to work behind the scenes . The precis of her message is what Kahlil Gibran wrote…
“I slept and dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service.I served and I saw that service is joy.”
RICARDO R. COLOMA – Athletic Director
They say, good attitude is gold- as it shines through and through as years passed. Typical as you may see him, he indeed has an attitude of gold that made his way to truly give his invaluable service for 40 years.
35 Years of Service
GLADYS JEAN QUINTOS BASILIO – Vice-President for Academic Affairs
An experienced leader with a clear and focused commitment to service. A visionary leader who has ensured academic excellence and student success. With these attributes, she has reaped the fruits of her labor as evident to the many people she has inspired.
MISS ASUNCION P. BUMANGLAG – Faculty of the School of Arts, Sciences, and Education
#Cheers! Simple yet, oozing with sense. It’s undeniably true that this person can be tagged as our school’s “Iron Lady”. A person of her words, a person of wit, a person of strong will and passion. Ladies and gentlemen, let us celebrate her existence and her long years of stay with us! Cheers!
They say, money is the root of all evil. But that’s not how this woman sees it as it has been her expertise as the school cashier for years. She has invested her life to handle financial matters, computed her angle towards being loved by her colleagues and of counted millions of thousands of love and respect from everyone.
30 Years of Service
Matthew chapter 7 verses 16-17 it says “By their fruit you will recognize them. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit’’. Yes my friends, I am certain that every good tree of DWCL bears good fruit.
His foundations are strong, solid and unified. With his long years of service, this skilled and determined individual has mastered to trim any rough edges in life. He has built a strong bond and painted a colourful life for his family. His home is indeed resilient, sturdy and huge. As a fact, he is ready to face any stormy weather in his life.
25 Years of Service
ALWYN PAULO S. ALBANO – Head, Human Resource Department
Seeing him might make you think, he’s the silent type and not easy to get along with. But it’s the other way around. He’s more than just an employee but a friend, and of course, the reason of our existence as employees. HR for Human Resource, but for years of stay, he has redefined the acronym to “Heroic Responsibility” with his genuine dedication towards his work.
You name it, she has it! Books, supplies, and things of all sort, she’s got all that. But behind these material things associated with her being the Manager of the Auxiliary Services, there are more she can give. Outwardly, she stands a strong and smiling woman with a personality of book, that despite the heavy loads she carried for years, she stood firm and never went out the pages. She chose to stay, and protect the pages she continuously writes.
PROF. FEBE BUIZON BELISARIO Acting Capacity as Guidance Counselor
With her ripples of wisdom, she makes sure that she shares her gifts to her students for she believes that helping other people grow can become life’s greatest joy. With her guidance and pieces of advice, she has earned the respect of the students and her colleagues.
A proven leader who is confident in decision making and has a determined personality. This woman has dealt with people of all personalities – students, teachers and professor. She has not just kept record but also memories that will be forever etched in her heart.
Gertrude – a female given name derived from Germanic roots that meant spare and strength. On that note, I couldn’t agree more, as I’ve seen this woman in her Metamorphosis. A woman with a heart of gold and steel. Brave and kind-hearted, she has touched many lives not just that of her colleagues but also that of the hundreds of students who experienced her motherly loved. Ladies and gentlemen, the Mother of SASE, Dean….
20 Years of Service
JANETTE I. ABAD – Administrative Staff / Registrar’s Office
Love, Happiness, Joy and Contentment – these are the prizes of her life she received. She happily shares all these blessings to her friends, family and colleagues. Her determination and persistence led her to realize her dreams and goals in life and her selfless service to the DWCL is a realization of that dream.
MRS. EMELYN BASUG CLARO – Faculty/Prefect Of Discipline School of Basic Education
Claro or should I say clear! Indeed, her name alone mirrors her dedication and love towards her work. Clear as the spring water, she was able to show the real beauty beyond the surface. With that, she has earned respect, loyalty and love from her students and colleagues
As a secretary of the CMO for long years, Joe Mar feels the teachings of Jesus as he possesses the spirit of love, compassion and esteem for others. Undeniably, he has his own plus factor, always giving an extra force as manifested in her family and work life.
RICHARD PHILIP C. TAMAYO – Head, Information and Communications Technology
For 20 years of being glued to laptops and computers, this typical lad has mixed the tools to a service that’s well done. With a hundred gigabytes of determination, he has given a lot. With just right amount of software, he has fought all the viruses. And with his long years of stay, there was never a chance he thought of reformatting his passion towards service.
15 Years of Service
One Two, his passion is true. Three Four, he is up for more. Five Six, everything he can fix. Seven Eight, he is indeed a good mate. Nine, now he is line, and here comes Ten, he stands unbloody though heavily laden. 15 years of going through numbers, that’s quite a long time. But because of his dedication, he has gone beyond equation.
EDERLINA G. CALLANGAN – School Physician
Health problems, leave that to her. With her stay in DWCL, she has gone beyond giving advice with regards to health. She has given a dose of friendship, insulin of sweetness and an injection of love and knowledge that made a mark in our hearts and mind.
10 Years of Service
ANTONIO P. ACPAL – Band Master
Ten years ago, he has begun his march towards where he is now. Along his way, he was able to blow hurdles and negativities, and eventually created a rhythm we all learned to love. As the leader of the school’s marching band, he will now march his way to receive his recognition as one of the people who has dedicated their lives to the DWCL.