Dr. Gladys Jean Q. Basilio, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Egdonna A. Quinto, Dean of School of Nursing, Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology were in San Lazaro Hospital, Manila for the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) relative to the Summer 2018 Related Learning Experience Affiliation Program of Nursing Students.Virginia O. Dimapilis, MD,MHA,FPPS,FPSVI, Head, HCATS and Rosemarie Mendoza, Nurse Supervisor In-charge of Training were with the Director Edmundo B. Lopez, MD,MPH,MHA during the MOA signing. Director Lopez underscored the strict implementation and faithful observance of the Data Privacy Act by the students.
Additionally the VPAA and SN Dean visited the students in the RLE Program at the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH), finalized the RLE schedules and met the Assistant Chief Nurse on Affiliation Program, Ms. Jane P. de Guzman, the Pavilion Head, Dr. Jose T. Loveria, Jr., MHA, FPPA and Clinical Instructors, Ms. Jhal Espinosa and Ms. Ma. Cleofe Mamaclay.
Dr. Basilio and Dr. Quinto had a chance to see the NCMH facilities relative to the Students RLE Affiliation Program.